ABS je zanesljiv material za 3D tiskanje, znan po svoji izjemni stabilnosti, vzdržljivosti in visoki odpornosti na udarce. Filament se ob tem ponaša tudi z odlično toplotno odpornostjo, zaradi česar je idealen za projekte, ki vključujejo večje temperaturne razpone. Bambu ABS filament je s svojimi vsestranskimi lastnostmi odlična izbira za široko paleto aplikacij 3D tiskanja.
Bambu ABS kot eden najpogosteje uporabljenih filamentov ima odlične mehanske lastnosti, zaradi katerih je močnejši od običajnih PLA in PETG. Idealen je za izdelavo funkcionalnih delov, prototipov in standardnih inženirskih komponent, saj zagotavlja dolgo življenjsko dobo in zanesljivost.

Lastnosti izdelka:
Čvrst in vzdržljiv
Dobra odpornost proti vročini in zmrzovanju
Premer: 1,75 mm +/- 0,03 mm
Združljiv z AMS
Opozorila za uporabo:
Samo za tisk v tiskalnikih z ohišji

Izberite opcijo:


19,32 €

23,57 € z DDV


Izdelek je dodan v primerjavo. Seznam si lahko ogledate tukaj.

Produkta ni na lokalni zalogi

Diameter: 1.75 mm
Net Filament Weight: 1 kg
Spool Material: PC + ABS (Temperature resistance 90 °C)
Spool Size: Diameter: 200 mm; Height: 67 mm

Recommended Printing Settings
Drying Settings before Printing: Blast Drying Oven: 80 °C, 8 h
X1 Series Printer Heatbed: 90 - 100 °C, 12 h
Printing and Storage Humidity: < 20% RH (Sealed, with desiccant)
Nozzle Size: 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 mm
Nozzle Temperature: 240 - 270 °C
Build Plate Type: Engineering Plate, High Temperature Plate or Textured PEI Plate
Bed Surface Preparation: Glue
Bed Temperature: 80 - 100 °C
Cooling Fan: 0 - 80%
Printing Speed: < 300 mm/s
Retraction Length: 0.8 - 1.4 mm
Retraction Speed: 20 - 40 mm/s
Chamber Temperature: 45 - 60 °C
Max Overhang Angle: ~ 70°
Max Bridging Length: ~ 40 mm

Bambu Lab has tested differing aspects in the performance of ABS material, including physical, mechanical, and chemical properties. Typical values are listed below.

Physical Properties
Density: ISO 1183, 1.05 g/cm3
Melt Index: 260 °C, 2.16 kg, 34.2 ± 3.8 g/10 min
Melting Temperature: DSC, 10 °C/min, 200 °C
Glass Transition Temperature: DSC, 10 °C/min, N/A
Crystallization Temperature: DSC, 10 °C/min, N/A
Vicat Softening Temperature: ISO 306, GB/T 1633, 94 °C
Heat Deflection Temperature (1.8 MPa): ISO 75, 84 °C
Heat Deflection Temperature (0.45 MPa): ISO 75, 87 °C
Saturated Water Absorption Rate: 25 °C, 55% RH, 0.65%

Mechanical Properties
Young's Modulus (X-Y): ISO 527, GB/T 1040, 2200 ± 190 MPa
Young's Modulus (Z): ISO 527, GB/T 1040, 1960 ± 110 MPa
Tensile Strength (X-Y): ISO 527, GB/T 1040, 33 ± 3 MPa
Tensile Strength (Z): ISO 527, GB/T 1040, 28 ± 2 MPa
Breaking Elongation Rate (X-Y): ISO 527, GB/T 1040, 10.5 ± 1.0 %
Breaking Elongation Rate (Z): ISO 527, GB/T 1040, 4.7 ± 0.8 %
Bending Modulus (X-Y): ISO 178, GB/T 9341, 1880 ± 110 MPa
Bending Modulus (Z): ISO 178, GB/T 9341, 1590 ± 100 MPa
Bending Strength (X-Y): ISO 178, GB/T 9341, 62 ± 4 MPa
Bending Strength (Z): ISO 178, GB/T 9341, 39 ± 4 MPa
Impact Strength (X-Y): ISO 179, GB/T 1043, 39.3 ± 3.6 kJ/m2; 21.5 ± 2.2 kJ/m2 (notched)
Impact Strength (Z): ISO 179, GB/T 1043, 7.4 ± 1.2 kJ/m2

Other Physical and Chemical Properties
Odor Composition: Odorless ABS
Skin Hazards: No hazard
Chemical Stability: Stable under normal storage and handling conditions
Solubility in Water: Insoluble
Resistance to Acid: Resistant
Resistance to Alkali: Resistant
Resistance to Organic Solvent: Not resistant to some organic solvents
Resistance to Oil and Grease: Not resistant to some kinds of oil and grease
Flammability: Flammable
Combustion Products: Water, carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides, pungent odor

Specimen Test Printing Conditions
Nozzle Temperature: 260 °C
Bed Temperature: 80 °C
Printing Speed: 200 mm/s
Infill Density: 100%